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Thursday, October 13, 2016

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How to Make a DIY Wall-Decal Chair

Follow the steps below to make this blogger DIY project featured in HGTV Magazine.



1. Measure the width of the top of the back of a non-upholstered chair. Cut a 3-inch-tall solid-color wall decal to the same width plus an inch. Press the decal firmly to the chair, smoothing out any air bubbles with an old credit card. Use a crafts knife to carefully trim away the excess decal from the sides of the chair. 

2. Repeat the process with a 1-inch-tall piece of gold wall decal, positioning it about  1/2 inch below the colored decal.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2, working your way down the chair. Cut the last piece of solid-color decal into a curved shape, as shown.

About bobby hubs

Hi, My Name is Hafeez. I am a webdesigner, blogspot developer and UI designer. I am a certified Themeforest top contributor and popular at JavaScript engineers. We have a team of professinal programmers, developers work together and make unique blogger templates.


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